MFS - Lawn Farm Fisheries, Elsworth, 19th February 2017
Just for you Herbie, an empty box! Peg 18, Willows The first outing of 2017! To say I was looking forward to it was an understatement. The winter had been quite harsh and I'd decided not to venture out at all, so I'll take the "fair weather fisherman" abuse without complaint. Colbrad had organised a match at Lawn Farm Fisheries, Cambourne with the MFS crew. As I'd been to this fishery over the years I knew it was to good to miss out on. It was an early start from the good ladies house in Surrey but even though the alarm was set for 5am I was straight out of bed and on the road. The obligatory breakfast meet was at Mcdonalds a few minutes from the fishery and as always it was great to see so many familiar faces. Colbrad even tried to use the new technology to order his meal despite there being no queue at the tills, he still required assistance from the lady behind the counter! The Draw Willow Lake was the venue today, 38 Pegs available to...