Lindholme Angling Club Festival - Lindholme Lakes, 10th June 2016

Final day... If I would have a good result today I could make it to the top 5! I think I piled a bit too much pressure on myself to be honest and today would test me. The Draw Peg 2, Bonsai. Not an area I had ever fished before and I had some good anglers in my section so it was all to play for. Neighbours for the day where Stuart and Bradley 'Steady' Smith Set-Up Pole only, initially although I would break the rod out later in the day. Another day fishing longer as it was 16 metres to the far bank and 15 metres to my right margin line. All-In I figured that the bread working the other day it would also work on Bonsai so I prepared some discs before the all in. With that and the whistle I started across on the far bank working the bread along the margins. The action wasn't instant in fact it took some time before the first fish was in the net infact the first fish went to Brad who was fishing short. Before long Brad followed me over...