FAS - Stockbridge Pond, 26th May 2019

Back to Stockbridge with Farnham Angling Society for the bank holiday weekend. The weather this week has been warm and sunny and it was great to see the lily pads while up walking round the lake as it really helps to define where the real fishy swims will be, especially peg 9 known as the double lily swim. The Draw Reports from the previous week is that the deeper part of the lake (pegs 14 upwards) hadn't fished as well as the earlier, shallower pegs. A group decision was taken to fish pegs 2 through to 14, the shallower pegs. I was last name on the list so ended up with Peg 14 and the scales. I was not unhappy with the draw as I had Avery short walk from the car park but more importantly some lily pads to target. Set-up As always at Stockbridge, the Waggler rod came out of the bag and was plumbed to full depth, marked on the rod and then set to half depth to sew if the roach were up in the water. Pole lines: 13 metres targeting the lily pads on the right 12 met...