
Showing posts with the label Lake John

FAL - Lake John, 2 Dayer, 23rd September 2017

Day 2 of the festival.  A great night out with some of the lads in Epping at a fantastic Turkish restaurant where the food came in absolute abundance which wasn't helped by Simon pilling more and more food onto my plate! For a change heads were reasonably clear and we arrived to a beautiful overcast day at the fishery.  Section winners yesterday were Stephen Daniels, Chris Vandervleit, Andy Gregory and Paul Law so these lads would be wanting a great draw and to be in a section preferably without the others! The Draw Once again Chris let me draw for him, mainly as he was holding the bag with the pegs in them.  Out came peg 36, something which he was very happy about! My draw, I'd be on Peg 7, again on the right hand bank although with a great margin line clear of other anglers to my left.  Colin Bartlett, fishery owner drew peg 8 next to me.  Now there is a rule that if you draw next to Colin it's a fiver, not the normal pound so we I had to do well. S...

FAL - Lake John, 2 Dayer, 22nd September 2017

Following the success of last years two day event at Lake John in Waltham Abbey, Carl had secured the venue again so it was definitely a not to be missed event.  Everyone gathered at the cafe for some breakfast however with one exception, Hathers.  Unlucky for Hathers he had got stuck behind an accident on the M25, one which shut the motorway for a couple of hours and to top it all he was one of the first cars behind the rolling roadblock put in place while they cleared everything up. Pemb Writing and Matt Godfrey were also in the cafe to do some filming for Guru on the small lake.  That is definitely on of the things about angling, you mix with the sports superstars in a way unlike the sports. The Draw Chris Vandervleit asked me to draw for him top which he ended up with Peg 2, which by the reaction of the other anglers wasn't the best draw in the world but we all know that Chris is a top angler and that the results would speak for themselves. My draw, I ended u...

MFS, - Lake John, 2 Dayer, 8th October 2016

After a quiet night in downtown Waltham Abbey and a cracking meal at the Turkish restaurant it was back to Lake John for Day 2. Fishing is one of those sports, yes it is a sport for you none angling readers, where you get to meet famous anglers young and old, socialise and fish with them.  Today was one of those days! I was having breakfast with Andy Kinder, Chris Vandervleit and none other than Dickie Carr who has fished for England in both the regular and veterans team.  What a lovely bloke Dickie is and it brought back memories of reading Angling Mail and Times featuring Mr Carr.  Great to meet you Dickie! The Draw Today's home would be the back bank on Peg 30 with an even longer feeder line to the island. Set-up Again the feeder came out, this time the 12 foot rod with a mini pit reel as it was a big chuck. Pole lines which were all the same depth, so one rig required: 14.5 metres and 10 and 2 o'clock 5 sections straight ahead The rig was a heavier...

MFS - Lake John, 2 Dayer, 7th October 2016

Carl had organised a two day event at Lake John Fishery in Waltham Abbey on the main, top lake. Lake John is well know for its great head of skimmers and bream so after a great day at Bury Hill I already had a plan of attack.  There are also some very large carp in the Top Lake and should we catch any fish over 10lb they would be counted as 10lb only. What we didn't expect over the two days would be the amount and size of the carp that would come out! A great breakfast was quickly dispatched, thanks to the ladies who do a great job.  There was a mix of people I knew and some new faces, most of who were regulars at Lake John.  Plenty of tips were exchanged and it was time to draw. The Draw The little wooden cube with number 34 came out of the bag.  I''d been in this area, well, Peg 35 during a mini competition with my mate Mark in 2014. Set-up The island had a bare bank to target so the feeder rod was set-up. Pole line I decided to fish two line short ...

Lake John, Waltham Abbey, 16th March 2014

We had the choice of either Gold Valley or fishing the large lake, otherwise known as "Top Lake" at Lake John Fisheries and opted to head out to Waltham Abbey.  Lake John opens quite early and we arrived at 7:30am.  It was a lovely day with some gusting breeze that was giving the water a good ripple. As we were 1 all in the mini competition a coin was tossed to decide who has the choice of swims, Mark won.  Walking round to the left handside of the lake Mark picked Peg 34 which had a chuck to the island, so my choice was either a peg which only had open water (Peg 33) or chuck to the large overhanging willow (Peg 35).  I chose the Willow peg. The Set-Up The reports from Lake John mention good silvers sport together with some larger carp so my attack would be two pronged with a feeder line to the over hanging Willow and a Pole line at the base of the near shelf which was about 8 metres out. Bait for the day: Maggots, Pellets and Sweetcorn. The All-In I decid...

Lake John, Waltham Abbey, 9th October 2011

Mark's Swim As Mark had come down to London for the weekend, I decided that we should give Lake John , Waltham Abbey a go as it would be easy for him to head back to Cambridge.  I'd called Colin, the owner/baliff to check availability. The larger lake was booked for an open match, so we has to fish the smaller lake. A quick walk around the small lake which is a snake lake, we decided to fish the far bank away from the car park.  The weather was a little overcast with some rain.  Neither of us had an end peg advantage.  Mark's far bank had a large cut out.  Both of us had far bank reeds that were alive with fish... it looked like a promising day! We decided to fish a 6 hour match again and use the clicker to record an approximate weight of fish to determine the winner. We headed to the on-site cafe for a cup of tea and bacon buttie. The Setup My swim Without a doubt it was a pole venue, although I also tackled up my 8 foot carp wand with a...