Talk Angling 2012 Individual Series, Billhook Lake, Hampshire, 25thMarch 2012
Peg 13, end peg, unlucky for some? I entered the Talk Angling 2012 Individual Series via an invite from a fellow MatchFishing Scene member, Nick Roberts, kindly sponsored by Yorkshire Baits . The first match is at Bowsaw and Billhooks Lakes in Hampshire. We all met up just off the M3 and we were soon weaving our way through the country side to the fishery. The satnav would have got me there, but Terry Turnip had a much better route. The Draw The usual unorganised line started and I pulled out peg 13, which is the furthest away, but it is an end peg, maybe it would be luck for me today... The Set-Up I decided on a method feeder and pole attack, the picture shows the different lines I chose. Sparky, next to me pointed out the lilly pads near the method line, they were to play a part in my match, but more about that later. 10' Bomb Rod, 6lb Mainline, Method Feeder to the far bank 13 metre pole line to the group of reeds on the left 13 metre pole ...