
Showing posts with the label Renny Lakes

Renny Lakes, East Harlsey, 14th May 2023

Well the second trip out in 2023, the first one didn’t go as planned, I didn’t take to many photographs we didn’t catch any fish and I didn’t write a blog post about it… sorry about that. So the fishing whatsapp group voted for a day on Renny Lakes which didn’t mean too much of a long drive for Mr Curry or the rest of us. I’d also invited Sam along, Sam last fished back in 2016 so a great chance for him to get hooked a second time so to speak! The Pegs Renny Lakes has changed from a three lake complex back to two lakes. So a quick walk round the larger lake we found three pegs next to each other with islands and open water to go at. Set-Up I’d brought two rods with me for a simple days fishing while coaching Sam. A waggler rod and a feeder rod with a micro hybrid feeder on. Bait was simple too, maggots, sweetcorn, 6mm and 8mm pellets. All-In I’d just finished plumbing the depth on waggler a few rod length out when Sam arrived. We quickly set his rod up to fish a...

Renny Lakes, East Harsley, 2nd April 2016

There have been quite a few articles about needing to get young people involved in Angling, so when asked if you'll take someone fishing for the first time, how could I refuse? The New Fisherman! So, it was Samuel's 7th birthday and his Mum, Lianne was asked by Samuel if he could go fishing.  A quick message on facebook and we sorted out a date when I'd be back in Teesside to get him out on the bank. The Gear Where do you begin with regards tackle for a new angler?  Well Korum provide some great kits for beginners, a float, ledger and pole outfit. I decided to get the Korum Float Pack Starter kit .   The only change I made was replacing the 6lb line for some 4lb line which I had plenty of. Fish safety is number one, so I grabbed an old landing net head and handle to add to the kit and some other floats, shot, a towel, rod rest, bank stick, some more ready made hooklengths and bait tub.  The gear was ready! The Venue We needed a venue that was local an...

Renny Lakes, East Harsley, 22nd July 2011

One of Jacob's first fish My other nephew, Jacob expressed an interest in fishing after some friendly "uncle" persuasion.  So no better venue than Renny Lakes. I decided to fish the same swim as I'd fished with Owen in his first fishing adventure as blogged about last month. I arrived at Renny Lakes around 6:45am and secured the peg.  Only one other angler had arrived, but he was fishing the front lake. I selected the margin swim to the left as the main attack.  I knew that I could go further up the left margin if this swim wasn't producing. For Jacob, it would be top 2 of the pole directly in front of him. I would also go into the right hand margin later in the day just to see what was there.  I wasn't going to disappointed with that swim later in the day. The Session I am smiling, honest ;-) Potting the swim with 4mm & 6mm pellets, Casters and Maggots using the large pole pot and also pinging out 6mm pellets soon brought the firs...

Renny Lakes, East Harsley, 18th June 2011

Nursing a bit of a hangover from the nights celebrations for Neil's birthday I got to Renny lakes a little later than I wanted too.  I wanted to re-fish the rear lake, but target the first swim on the right hand side of the lake with plenty of margins, an aerator within pole distance and loads of potential. I was pleasantly surprised that no-one was on the lake at 8am, so I go the swim I was after. Plumbing up I found a regular depth in both margin swims.  As this would be my nephews first outing I wanted him to catch fish from the off, so I plumbed a swim that utilised just the top two sections of the pole so he wouldn't have to learn how to ship out and back in. I kicked off the swim with a pot full of pellets and corn, with some good old maggots just to get some action.  I didn't have to wait long.  The first carp took double white maggot, a lovely little stock carp of around 2lb.  They certainly know how to run as the white elastic was out like a sho...

Renny Lakes, East Harsley, 17th June 2011

Heading home for the weekend I decided to fish a local lake that I heard a lot about on the Anglerscabin forum called Renny Lakes . This particular weekend I was taking my nephew fishing for the first time so decided that a practise session was in order to ensure that he would catch the following day. Renny Lakes has three lakes, although the google imagry has yet to catch up.  I've highlighted the new lake in the image.  I decided to fish the rear lake which looked more established than the other two and chatting to the anglers it held the larger fish and selected a peg on the left side towards the rear of the lake. The swim had margins to the left and an easy reach with the pole to the far bank and a nice clump of reeds. The Session Plumbing up I found the lake had a very even depth of around 3', so set up a far bank rig with white hydroelastic and a margin rig. I kicked off with a small pot full of pellets, corn and maggots on the far bank and was feeding the...