
Showing posts with the label Willinghurst

MFS - Willinghurst, Lake John, 11th December 2011

Pikey, aka Dave Pearson had orgainsed a Match Fishing Scene Champion League match at Willinghurst on John's Lake.  As I was free at the weekend, I thought why not and put my name down for the match.  Pikey has a great blog which can be found here .  It will be interesting to read his version of events. The journey from West London to Willinghurst was around 35 miles, the temperature in the car was a warm 24 degrees C whilst outside it was a chilly 3 degrees C.  I arrived close to the fishery at 8am, the draw was 9:30am so plenty of time... it then took me another 30 minutes to find the place! I met up with most of the lads in the canteen and tucked into a Willinghurst breakfast, at £5 it was a welcome sight and also reasonably large! The craic started with Mick the Bookie, Pikey, Malcolm, Carl and Milo... it's always the same great laughs with all the MFS get togethers and great to meet more members of the site.  As everyo...