
Showing posts from August, 2012

Carrs Angling Lakes, 26th August 2012

After 2 months of not fishing due to work commitments I finally got back on the bank and visited my first really local venue, Carrs Angling Lakes , just off Letch Lane, Stockton, before you reach Carlton Village. After chatting to a couple of local gents and walking around the Match Lake  I decided to fish Peg 17. Set-Up It was a comfortable 14 metre reach to the islands in front of me so there was no need to break out any rods.  While plumbing up I found that the bottom of the far shelf was a consistent depth of around four and a half foot, so one rig for my selected swims which were: Left side far bank Cut opening far bank Right side far bank 5 metre line Bait for the day was Corn, Pellets and a pint of white/red maggots. All-In I cupped in a small pot of micro pellets, 4mm pellets and a couple of grains of corn on the left side far bank swim, cupped in around 20 maggots on the right side far bank swim and would feed the 5 metre line by hand with a 4mm pel...